2021 Irish sea row
3 months after arriving back from Antigua I enjoyed a bit of time out until I started my next mission of helping a friend Ryan aka Chilli Shamrock, a 50-50 mix of Irish an Irish dad and a Mexican mother cross the Irish sea on one of his big challenges he planned.
Running from Dublin to Arklow, row from Arklow across the Irish sea to Aberystwyth in Wales and then cycle all the way to London. He asked before I’d even left for Lanzarote if I’d help row with him and 2 others across the Irish sea.
He used the same boat as we used to get across the Atlantic so I was very familiar with the boat. We left Arklow and started out mission to Aberystwyth. Somene was kind enough to give us a bottle of whisky before we left which came in handy later in the crossing. We were lucky, we had god seas and good weather and we were making good progress. We did the usual 2 hour on 2 hour off until we were about 20 miles from the Welsh shore so cracked open the whisky and the row turned into a party. There’s a good stereo system on board so the music was blasting slayer and we were rowing and swigging whisky, great fun.
We made it to Aberystwyth in 36 hours. We went home and Ryan went to get changed into his bike gear to finish his last discipline of his mission which I’m proud to say he did with ease.
Top man!